
Industry Advisory Committees

Construction Advisory BoardFlorida Tech programs maintain close relationships with their industry counterparts. The Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department partners with three discipline specific Industry Advisory Committees (IAC) focused on Civil Engineering, Construction Management, and Mechanical Engineering.  The IACs are typically composed of 15 to 30 volunteer industry representatives who work cooperatively with the academic program and the administration to share their knowledge of professional tasks and competencies to enrich the Florida Tech educational experience. The IAC exists to advise, assist, and support and advocate for its associated academic program.

Advise - The IAC assists in assessing specific areas of the academic program and suggesting improvements. Examples include reviewing program goals and objectives, recommending industry standards to incorporate into course material, and suggesting equipment and materials to incorporate into laboratories. 

Assist - IAC members assist faculty and administration by serving as guest lecturers, hosting student field trips, providing judges for student competitions, raising funds for scholarships, or donating resources.

Support and Advocate - The IAC supports the academic program by promoting and marketing locally, regionally and nationally. Promotion may include speaking at professional conferences, educational meetings, or at local community activities. IAC members may also promote the academic program on their company websites or through media publicity.

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